New Customer Email
Hi Abigail!
Thank you for becoming my Plexus customer! I want you to be successful so if there's anything I can do for you or any questions I can answer, don't hesitate to contact me :)
Here are some Success Tips for using the Plexus:
1) Take your measurements and a "Before" picture so that you can compare in a month.
2) Be consistent- use it every day. Commit to use Plexus for at least 3 months. Sometimes it takes that long to get your body balanced to begin losing weight but you'll begin feeling much better long before that!
3) Drink at least half your body weight in ounces per day. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, drink 100 ounces of water. I bought a 32 ounce water bottle at Walmart and I fill it 4 times a day for a gallon of water but I worked up to that :)
4) Be sure and eat enough each day... a lot of people think that losing weight means not eating, but Plexus works best if you eat every few hours. Even if you're not hungry- eat something, even if it's just a handful of nuts or a banana :)
5) Put that scale away somewhere and only weigh once a month. Sometimes it takes a while to see results on the scale and I don't want you to get discouraged!
6) LISTEN to your body. The first time that soda tastes funny... do NOT keep drinking it. The first bite of that donut or cookie or bread that tastes "off"... spit it out and don't try it again. Those things aren't healthy for us. Plexus is a TOOL to get us healthy. When it starts working... Listen and act accordingly. You didn't get unhealthy and gain your weight overnight... it'll take some time to get things balanced again! Give the products time to work!
7) And lastly... have a positive attitude! Smile each morning in the mirror! After a month, take the scale out and weigh. Take a picture and your measurements. You'll see the difference in your picture, in your measurements, in your clothes, and in the way you FEEL! :)
How to use the products:
Remember- the longer and more consistently you use the products, and the more water you drink, the better the products work :)
I would love to feature your testimonial on my Facebook Plexus page in a few months if you're willing! I'd love to talk with you when you start the products to make sure we're on the same page... is Tuesday or Thursday a better day for you?