Monday, November 16, 2015

Back office tips and info

Back office tips and info

Ambassador Back Office and Other Information + Tips
To get to your back office:
1) Go to your personal website link (where customers would go to purchase products).
2) Click Ambassador Login
3) Enter Ambassador # 
a. If you don’t know your Ambassador #, when you signed up to be an Ambassador, you should have gotten a confirmation e-mail.  It will be in that e-mail.  
b. If you can’t find the e-mail, then contact your sponsor.  They can see it in the Ambassador Genealogy Report.  
c. As a last resort, you can call Customer Service and they can give it to you.  480-998-3490
To see your monthly PV and those in your Downline:
1) Hover/Click Reports
2) Hove/Click Ambassador Genealogy Reports
3) Click Sponsor Downline
4) Choose how many levels down you need and click Process Report
5) This report not only shows the monthly PV, but it also shows Ambassador Numbers, Auto Qualification Status* (if Auto Qual is NOT in place, the name/row will be shaded in white or cream color), # of Customers, pay points and more.  This report will become your best friend!
*If you do not understand the Auto Qualification process, please call me so I can explain it.  I don’t want people in my downline to be blindsided by an Auto Qual bill/shipment that they didn’t want.  You need to understand it so you can effectively communicate it to your downline.  Also see Auto Qualification Option Explanation document for a detailed explanation. 
To change/remove your Backup Order order and see the date that the Backup order will bill/ship (if you don’t have $100 in PV by that date):
1) Click Shopping
2) Click Backup Order (Auto Qualification) Schedules
3) There are two things here: 
a. Your annual membership fee – it will show you your “next order date” for your annual membership fee.  This will be an annual charge as long as you remain an Ambassador.  IF you want out completely, then call customer service and have them direct you.  
b. Your monthly Backup Order (also sometimes called Auto Qualification Order) is the monthly auto order that only bills/ships if you don’t have $100 in PV by the date specified.  Deleting this is fine if you don’t want to billed or shipped on that date.  Just remember, that if you end up getting over $100 in PV for that month, you must go back and add an Auto Qualification / Backup order if you want to get paid.  If you don’t have aBackup Order in place (on) then you will not be commission qualified.  As long as you get that $100 in PV by your “next order date” then you will NOT be billed or shipped.  
4) You may edit or delete Backup Order here.
To place an order getting Ambassador pricing:
1) Click Shopping
2) Click New Order
To see your pay statement breakdown:
1) Click Reports
2) Click Financials
3) Click Monthly or Weekly Report* and select period
4) Choose the Report Type (PDF, Excel, Web Browser)
5) Click Commission Detail
*Monthly Pay is every 15th of the month (it includes everything except Building Business Bonuses)
*Weekly Pay pays out Building Business Bonuses
When a new Ambassador joins the company, they can purchase a Welcome pack from $99 to $199. These Welcome packs are super bargains and not available at any other time. 50% of the purchase price of a Welcome Pack is paid back to the Ambassadors as a Business Building Bonus (BBB). Here how that BBB is paid out: Sponsor of the new Ambassador receives 50% of the bonus, while 25%, 15%, and 10% is paid upline to the first 3 qualified Ambassadors above the sponsor.
Tips to encourage customers to purchase “Preferred” instead of “Retail”:
• Cheaper – if they want the Plexus Slim/Accelerator Combo then it is $15 cheaper.
• They can cancel any time after 15 days after the initial order.
• If they do want to cancel, the call to customer service is easy, quick and hassle free.  The reps aren’t going to try to talk them into canceling.
• For those of you that really want to get Preferred Customers and provide excellent customer service – take it a step further:
Keep a calendar of all your preferred customer bill/ship dates. (The dates can be pulled from the reports tab in the back office – I can walk you through gathering these dates if you need me to.)
Tell your customers that you keep this calendar and that you will contact them 3-4 days before the auto bill/ship date to see if they do want that shipment.   If they decide they don’t want that next shipment then you can call customer service and cancel it for them.
If you want to keep the calendar and manage these orders then it will be important to stay on top of it.

Plexus Monthly Commission Structure (online sales counting towards PV)
• Commission is earned on PV from $100 and up.  If you have $95 in PV, nothing is earned that month.
• From $100 to $499 – the commission rate is 15%
Example: If you have $300 in PV for a calendar month, then you will earn $35 (15% on $200) – the first $100 in PV does not earn commission.
• From $500 and up – the commission rate is 25%
Example: If you have $900 in PV for a calendar month, then you will earn $200 (25% on $800) – the first $100 in PV does not earn commission.  10 Preferred Customers buying Plexus Slim/Accelerator Combo would yield $900 in PV.
Preferred Customer Bonuses
• There are two methods customers can purchase products:
1) Retail (one time purchase)
2) Preferred Method (monthly auto bill/shipment)
• Ambassadors earn bonuses for preferred customers EACH month they are a preferred customer.
Example: You have 10 customers that love Plexus and are preferred customers buying Plexus Slim/Accelerator Combo for 6 months in a row.  That will add up to an additional $180/month in bonuses.  Money on top of the 25% commission as described above.  

Plexus Pay Point Structure:
Plexus Point Allocations 
For All Qualified Ambassadors (Must have $100 in PV / $100 in PV must be non-Welcome Pack PV) in your organization, here are the Plexus Points that you can earn: 
Levels 1–3 = 5 Plexus Points 
Level 4 = 4 Plexus Points 
Level 5 = 3 Plexus Points 
Level 6 = 2 Plexus Points 
Level 7 = 1 Plexus Point 
Income Examples 
If you sponsored 3 Ambassadors and everyone in your organization duplicated your efforts, your organization would look like the one below: 
No. of Ambassadors
Points per Ambassador
Total points Awarded

This example is just a made-up scenario to show you how the Plexus Points would accumulate if everyone who came into your organization sponsored 3 new Ambassadors. In this example, if you were receiving Plexus Points 7 levels down, you would have a total of 4,893 Plexus Points. If the Plexus Points that month were valued at $3.25, you would earn $15,902.25 from just your Plexus Point Volume. And remember, since the Plexus Compensation Plan was introduced, Plexus Points have ranged from $2.82 to $4.89.
To find answers to frequently asked questions about certain products:
1) Click Resources
2) Click Knowledgebase
3) Choose your Product Category
4) A list of FAQ about that product will appear
Other helpful items in “Resources”
• Go back and listen to previous Opportunity Calls
• Download info for the Compensation Plan
• Order Business Cards, Signs, Labels, Newsletters, other Promo Material (does not count towards PV)
• Download logos and other artwork
• And more…check it out!

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