Wednesday, November 18, 2015

If someone you don't really know "likes" your Plexus post:

If someone you don't really know "likes" your Plexus post:

(this will go to their "other" folder if you're not friends with them on Facebook)

Hi Teri Lynn,

I want to personally thank you for liking a post on my Facebook business page:

If you would like more info and some FREE product samples, fill out the health questionnaire here and I'll get those in the mail for you immediately!

There are 4 ways to get Plexus....
1. Retail - which no one does

2. Preferred - least expensive way to purchase as a customer

3. WHOLESALE AMBASSADOR - Get your products at wholesale pricing.  Get them FREE if you think you can share the products with 3 people.  

4. Business Ambassador - which is what I am.  Earn $500, $1000 or more a month.  See attached graphic for average monthly incomes.

Please let me know how I can help you to get started on your own Plexus journey. 

I'd love to talk with you about it.  I can call Tues or Thurs.  Which day is best for you?


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